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Time:2023年06月04日 Read:1 评论:0 作者:小秋

  1. BASE Jumping
  2. Big Wave Surfing
  3. Rock Climbing
  4. Bungee Jumping
  5. Skydiving
  6. White Water Rafting
  7. Mountaineering
  8. Ice Climbing
  9. Parkour
  10. Free Solo Climbing

BASE Jumping

BASE jumping is the act of jumping from a fixed structure, such as a building or a bridge, and deploying a parachute to slow the descent. The acronym BASE stands for Building, Antenna, Span, and Earth, representing the four types of structures that can be used for BASE jumping. It is considered one of the most dangerous extreme sports due to the high risk of injury or death.

Big Wave Surfing

Big wave surfing is a type of surfing where athletes ride waves that are larger than 20 feet tall. It requires a great deal of skills and experience to navigate the massive waves and avoid hazards such as reefs and rocks. Big wave surfers often compete in international competitions to showcase their skills.

Rock Climbing

Rock climbing is the act of climbing up or across natural rock formations, often using specialized equipment such as harnesses and ropes. It can be done both indoors and outdoors, and offers a wide range of difficulty levels for athletes of all levels. Rock climbing is also popular as a recreational activity and a form of exercise.


Bungee Jumping

Bungee jumping involves jumping from a high platform while attached to a long elastic cord. The jump causes the cord to stretch and then rebound, giving the jumper a sensation of weightlessness. It is a popular extreme sport that requires little training or experience, but can be dangerous if not done properly.


Skydiving involves jumping from an airplane or helicopter and free-falling before deploying a parachute to slow the descent. It is a popular extreme sport that requires extensive training and experience. Skydivers often perform stunts and formations in the air, as well as participate in competitions and record attempts.

White Water Rafting

White water rafting involves navigating rapids and other fast-moving water in an inflatable raft. It is a popular recreational activity and competitive sport that requires teamwork and skill. White water rafting can be done on rivers and rapids of various difficulty levels.



Mountaineering involves climbing and hiking in mountainous terrain, often at high altitudes. It requires a great deal of physical and mental endurance, as well as specialized equipment such as crampons and ice axes. Mountaineering can be done as a recreational activity or as part of an expedition to climb a specific peak or mountain range.

Ice Climbing

Ice climbing involves climbing up ice formations such as frozen waterfalls and glaciers. It requires specialized equipment such as ice axes and crampons, as well as experience and skill. Ice climbing can be done both indoors and outdoors, and offers a unique challenge for athletes who enjoy climbing.


Parkour is a discipline that involves using the body to navigate obstacles in an urban environment. It emphasizes speed, agility, and efficiency in movement, and can be done both indoors and outdoors. Parkour is often practiced as a form of exercise and self-expression, and has gained popularity as a feature in movies and video games.


Free Solo Climbing

Free solo climbing involves climbing without the use of ropes or other safety equipment. It is considered one of the most dangerous extreme sports due to the high risk of injury or death. Free solo climbers often climb difficult and technical routes, and require extensive training and experience to do so safely.




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